Monday, May 9, 2011

Band of brothers review

After some research, I found out that the easy company’s mission wasn’t that easy. They have gone through operations like D-Day, the battle in Holland. The part which we watched in class was the breaking point, the battle of Foy. From the web, I gathered information that the battle was very difficult for them as they had no winter clothing, rations and ammunitions, it also stated that they were under artillery fire from the German, which they shown in the show, we can observe that in the show captain winters was shivering in his tent, also saying they have to quickly finish the battle as they are running out of rations and ammunitions. So from my opinion, the show is not romanticising about the stories of the easy company.

However, I feel that it may be romanticising the war in general as there was a few parts that I do not believe may have happened, for example, when the artillery fired, the soldier ,Joe, and another soldier, Bill, was hit by the artillery. In this case, it is most likely that they would have been dead already, but the most, they only lost their feet, even though it is already very serious, but it is very unlikely that the artillery fire did not kill them. Also when the second round of artillery fire, Captain Lipton was very lucky that the shell was an empty shell, which I think would very unlikely to happen in war. Another part when the easy company was trying to stop the tank from escaping, the place was heavily fortified and no one dared to go, but Lieutenant Speirs ran to the tank, dodging most of the bullets, I find it very dramatic that the enemy did not fire at him at first and that all of the bullets have missed him even when it is heavily fortified. So in some part of the show, I feel that it is romanticising the war in general.

Although, I acknowledge that there is still some part that what I think pictured the war very well, when Lieutenant Compton got a mental breakdown when he saw that his friend got severely injured after the artillery barrage. Also there was a part that after the artillery barrage, a soldier was desperately digging a foxhole. This mental breakdown and fear is most likely seen during war after there were many casualties.

I think that it is significant that the show was sponsored by the US army. It may be that the US army is trying to show people how the war is like and want them to be mentally prepared when they are in the army.